
Internet Worms Tutorial (USENIX Security 2005)

The CCIED PIs created a full-day tutorial on "Understanding and Addressing the Threat of Internet Worms". The tutorial provides a detailed technical overview of the state of the art in large-scale Internet threats and defenses. The intended audience for the tutorial broadly includes researchers, graduate students, and network security practitioners interested in learning about the magnitude of the threat, and the range of possible defenses, of large-scale "worms" that self-propagate across the global Internet. For researchers, the tutorial is particularly aimed at those new to the problem domain as a basis for starting research in the area.

ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM)

CCIED PIs Paxson and Savage founded the ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM) as a forum to bring together ideas, understanding, and experiences bearing on the worm problem from a wide range of communities, including academia, industry and the government. The goal of WORM was to be a true workshop to foster the development of preliminary work and helping nucleate a worm-research community.

USENIX Workshop on Large-scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET)

CCIED PIs Paxson and Savage merged the WORM workshop with the Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots) workshop organized by Niels Provos at Google. The new workshop, Large-scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET), continues the goals for the original WORM workshop, but it has evolved to encompass the larger scope of Internet threats that have emerged since the original outbreak of Internet worms. LEET encourages submissions of papers that focus on any aspect of the underlying mechanisms used to compromise and control hosts, the large-scale "applications" being perpetrated upon this framework, or the social and economic networks driving these threats.

UW/UCB/UCSD Course on Homeland Security and Cyber Security

This course provided an introduction to the technical and policy issues surrounding homeland security and cyber security. It exposed Computer Science graduate students at UCSD and UW to the policy perspective on homeland and cyber security — technical problems in policy and social contexts — and it exposed Public Policy students at UCB to the technical issues — cyber security problems, and the possibilities and limitations of technical solutions.

The course used distance learning technology to integrate students across four sites (UCSD, University of Washington, UC Berkeley, and Microsoft) using live video and audio over Internet2.

The course materials are archived for wide access and availability, including slide content of all speakers, speaker and audience video, and a Wiki with full class discussion:
